There have been and will happen such matches in which the opponent is definitely better or just on that day plays like inspired and although you squeeze sweats out of yourself you are not able to face the challenge. This is completely normal and after such a match full of fight and good game you cannot blame yourself.
It is worse, however, when the match is possible to win, the opponent is a bigger or smaller challenge, but it is certainly within your reach and you know that if you motivate yourself you can win. However, unfortunately, it turns out that you start the battle terribly and lose point by point. After losing a game you get nervous, you want to prove by force that you are better, throw strong balls at cars behind the car, another lost game and another surge of anger.
You start talking to each other, hold loud discussions , refrain from throwing a rocket against the court, and before you know it, you lose the set. Later it is only worse, everything annoys you, every lost ball is like a growing flame in the chest, and the more you try, the worse you play, in the end you feel like this match is over ... and ends with a smooth win for the opponent.
Is this scenario familiar to you? I think everybody had a similar situation once, when the nerves got the better and the loss rolled like a snowball made of chaotic and angry play. How to stop this ball of doom? There are several ways to do this, but knowing about them is one thing, and using them during the match is something completely different.
One of the most important things you can do in this situation is slow down . When we get nervous and lose points, the worst thing is rush. Fast ball, car, fast march to the end line and over and over again. When you are in a hurry, you lose focus and fall into a series of games that are chaotic, ill-considered and, worst of all, once you get through such a course of events, it's hard to get out of it. That's why it's important to slow down, change something, catch your breath , focus again.
In a situation where you feel that the match is getting out of control and you see that your opponent wants to use it quickly, do exactly what he does not want in this situation, i.e. take your time. Take full advantage of the time allocated for a break, go slowly (but not without exaggeration) to the final line, give yourself time to breathe and concentrate . However, if your nerves are at the zenith and you feel that this is not it, you can always go to the toilet, wash yourself with cold water, cool down, come back and try again. Don't give your opponent points for free.
Another factor that introduces something new that could theoretically save you is, for example, including a motivational song during the break or one that calms you down. You can prepare such pieces before the match and reach for them if necessary. Listening to them before competition can also be very helpful. Sometimes even humming under your breath can help, because are you able to carry out self-destructive monologues with you when you sing a song under your breath? Well, it's not that easy anymore.
It is also important that you pay attention to your thoughts during the match. This is the most difficult of the points mentioned above, but a lot can change. Catch negative thoughts that go through your head and negate them. Try to constructively and positively motivate . Don't lose yourself while the ball is still in play and remember that not everything lasts forever. The crisis will also pass and the points you give away now without faith may later turn out to be crucial. So fight to the end. Remember your triumphs, whatever, try to awaken the feeling that accompanied you in your moments of success.
Above all, do not give your opponent initiative. You should also maintain a steady commitment . Committing to an initiative means going to the defensive, running more often, and faster physical fatigue. However, if you feel better on the defensive, of course, do what is best for you. Also remember that "energy gives birth to energy" so depressing on the court and bitter behavior will not give you wings.
Sometimes you just have to, despite everything, force yourself to re-engage and believe in success. In the end, it will happen that the opponent plays a hard-to-receive ball, but you will not let go, spit out your lungs, but you will reach and you will win this point. This is something that adds incredible strength to you and adds anxiety to your opponent. Remember, every ball is important, and plays that you feel are sometimes inaccessible, in fact, with more effort you are able to pick up. You just have to know it to try.
In the end, don't forget that emotions are important, but only a strong head counts during the match.